Friday, January 15, 2010

bad idea

I thought I'd be okay to go outo n the elliptical last night for a bit. After about 3 minutes I realized that was a very bad idea. My foot/toe was throbbing so I hobbled in, propped it up, and put on the ice pack. I was determined to get something done, so once my toe was good and numb I was on to the Wii.

As long as I can stay barefoot I can do most of the activities. I'm still getting the hang of step. For some reason it will tell me I miss when I didn't, and keeps telling me to step off more slowly. If I did that, then I would miss?!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

I think I should offer my first follower a prize, and maybe the 25th and so on. What should it be? I'm sure I can come up with something Wii Fit Plus related.

good direction...

I did a balance checka nd weigh in this morning. My center of balance is a little to the right. This is not a surprise considering my left toe still hurts quite a bit. The good news is that I was down almost 3lbs from last week! My BMI is now at 28.6, which is still not quite close to my goal but I know it won't happen overnight.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

can do yoga

It looks like I can do a bunch of the yoga poses, even with a broken toe. I did the Bridge and Shoulder Stand last night. I always liked the shoulder stand. I'm still hoping to get to the yoga studio near my house soon. They have a beginner's class on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. I just need to let my toe heal a little more and call the person who said she'd go with me. Someone who used to go there told me it's interesting because they get a lot of shirtless guys (Hot Yoga).

I also managed to try the ski jump a couple of times.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

no more excuses

I'm done with excuses. Last night I did have to attend a meeting out in the far reaches of Chesapeake, but no plans tonight - except to get with my WFP for a bit. Then I'll probably be icing my toe.

Monday, January 11, 2010

missing wii

my Mii is being neglected due to the enormous pain that still exists in my little toe. The swelling hasn't gone down yet so I am still stuck trying to stay my off my foot and keeping it elevated.

After a couple of days off, my goal this evening is to determine which Wii Fit Plus activities can be done without puting any weight on one's foot. Boxing? Shoulder Stand?

P got a skin at Target last week to cover our balance board and I haven't even been able to check it out yet.

I realize I am doing this for myself, but it is a public blog and my hope is that someone somewhere *might* get something out of, or contribute something to it. Has ANYONE found me yet?

Saturday, January 9, 2010


In this case pain makes a toe black and blue. My pinky toe on my right foot got caught on the foot of the bed as I was walking by today and is likely broken. ouch. It's big, purpley blue, and painful. Therefore I have to take a night off of the WFP. Sorry everyone. Hopefully I will be able to put shoes on tomorrow.